Business Establishment Notes

How to plan a business start-up?

Undestading the product which they are going to do, Pre analysis of self-confident and market competions, Future of dedcided product or service and Financial status and risks. Read More->

How to choose the Brand name and Caption text?

Relevant to product and trendy, Should be unique and adhere numerology and Touching Subconscious mind Read More->

How to design your brand identity (or) logo for your business?

Choosing right pattern and colour, As simple as possible, Different variations and Should be very unique. Read More->

Why Company registration is important? How to register your company?     And how it cost?

Adhere local bodies policy, Type of company formations, Choose right agency to register company and Small investments shows your bigger Read More->

How to manage with your investments?

List out essential investment to produce revenue, Prioritise the investments, Choice of Loans, Plan with recurring and operations cost. Read More->

How to setup your company infrastructure?

Choosing right Location, Workout the first stage of office space, Importance of office interiors and exterior, Stick on Business theme and appearance. Read More->

How to setup a team for your business?

Understanding team size, Figure out roles and responsibility, Initiate recruitment process, Wait for right person, Automise the sales systems and policy.  Read More->

How to boost up revenue generation?

Choose right channel to generate sales and Keep on tracking lead generation to sales. Read More->

How to initiate a step for lead generation?

Follow the current trend for marketing and Competing with marketing leaders. Read More->

Prominent ways to increase leads?

Locate your prospects, Collect hidden prospects too and Right choice to target on prospects. Read More->

Essential tools for lead generation? (Such Website/ SEO…)

24X7 Show room – Website, Optimise website to make presence in Google and Importance of digital marketing. Read More->

How to promote your business through Digital marketing. (or) How to run a  business with latest marketing scenario?

Prospects are connected with internetStatistics of online users and Future of promotional world. Read More->

How to evaluate, Implement and get benefits from Digital Marketing?

Choosing right medium based on market segment, Analysing the investment and make it regular, Revising the result oriented digital marketing and optimise it. Read More->

Optimized promotions with affordable investments

Essential investment for every business, What are all the activities designed in ODM, How ODM produce maximum result ? and How ODM is affordable investment to become brand. Read More->

How to build a brand with simple promotions? 

Automated email campaigns for hidden prospects and brand building, Social medias makes immediate results and brand recall. Read More->

How to make your order conversion simple? 

What is conscious and subconscious mind?, Videos makes it simple, Visualized your product and brand and Easiest way to convert prospects. Read More->

How to develop business in multi fold by every year?

Regular promotional activities, Sustains the maximum reach and Allocating budget for promotions. Read More->

How to become a successful entrepreneur?

Necessary Vs Unnecessary list, Daily activities to keep your mind fast and reliable, Watch your languages, Improving learning skill and Think Global. Read More->